Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Here comes Ainsleigh

Well, some of you may already know, but for those who don't, Mollie and I will be parents in less than 2 WEEKS!!!!  Ainsleigh Nikole Reynolds will be born by c-section on January 10, 2012.  We will be heading up to Memphis on January 9th to get our hotel and to be there in case the doctor schedules an early delivery.  The birth mom is having another doctor visit this morning and will be asking what time the section is scheduled.  We are really excited and can't wait.  I started on and finished the nursery about a week and a half ago.  Pictures of it are on my facebook page.  Thank you all for all of your support, whether that was through prayers, financial gifts, or whatever way you supported us.  THANK YOU ALL!!!  Please continue to pray for the Tennessee side of the adoption, that all will go smoothly and quickly so we can bring Ainsleigh home as soon as we can. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Meeting

Hello everyone!  Mollie and I hope that you have had a great Thanksgiving and that you are all ready for celebrating Christ's birthday this Christmas. 

Mollie and I wanted to inform everyone about our meeting with the young lady we are adopting from last week.  It was a great meeting.  Mollie and I both feel very blessed to be adopting from some one with such a great heart.  She was very forth coming with information with all the questions we asked and was eager to ask questions herself.  Mollie and I were able to go with her to her doctor's appointment after our lunch meeting and Mollie went back with the young lady.  When the doctor walked in, he asked, "and you are?"  Mollie responed by telling him her name and his response was, "Oh, you're the adopting parent."  We were stunned that he already knew.  Then Mollie was able to her Ainsleigh's heart beat.  We ended the day by meeting up with some old friends of ours that had moved to Memphis a few years ago.  It was a great DAY until...

We got home at 11:30 Wednesday night after driving home from Memphis.  We were so tired, we didn't notice anything in the front of our house.  As I was leaving for work the next morning, I opened the front door of our house to find two boxes on our front step.  I asked Mollie if she had purchased anything off line for Christmas and she said, "No, why?"  Well, I brought in the boxes, opened them and found that we had 2 items from our baby registry.  The young lady we are adopting from got us those gifts!  We were blown away!  I am unashamed to say it, but I cried on the way to work.  Then, after I got home from work and small group Thursday night, there was another box.  It had 4 items from our registry...YEP!  You guessed it!  She had purchased us a total of 6 things for Ainsleigh.  May God receive all the praise, glory, and honor! 

Be praying for us as we meet our attorney for our first face to face meeting this coming Wednesday!

Oh, and by the way, the doctor told Mollie and the young lady that she is not 31 weeks but 34 weeks along!  We will be parents in about 5 and a half weeks!!!!